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Achieve NIS2 Compliance with 42Gears Solutions

Fortify Your Cybersecurity Baseline

What is NIS2?

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The EU's recently adopted Network and Information Systems Directive (NIS2) builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, NIS1. This updated directive aims to significantly enhance cybersecurity across the European Union by raising the bar for critical infrastructure sectors.

NIS2 sets stricter cybersecurity enforcement requirements for companies and government agencies alike. National laws will be implemented to ensure compliance, making it mandatory for organizations within the scope of the directive to adhere to its provisions.

This expansion of EU-wide cybersecurity regulations fosters a more harmonized and robust security posture across member states. As a result, organizations operating in these sectors will need to adjust their cybersecurity practices to meet the strengthened requirements of NIS2.

GDPR vs. NIS2: A Focus Shift in EU Regulations

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Think of GDPR and NIS2 as two sides of the same digital security coin, each addressing a crucial aspect.

GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation): Established in 2018, GDPR emphasizes data protection. It sets strict requirements on how EU member states handle personal data, empowering individuals with control over their information.

NIS2 (Network and Information Systems Directive): A recent directive aiming to elevate cybersecurity standards across the EU. Unlike GDPR's focus on data, NIS2 targets essential infrastructure providers. It mandates a robust level of cybersecurity for these organizations to safeguard critical services.

NIS2 Expands Covered Sectors To Strengthen EU Cybersecurity


In a move to fortify Europe's overall cybersecurity posture, the NIS2 Commission is expanding the number of sectors covered by the directive. This broader scope aims to encompass all organizations considered critical to societal infrastructure. Consequently,  sectors like food production, waste management, and their entire supply chains will now fall under the directive's regulations. The directive differentiates between "essential entities" and "important entities".

The Following Sectors are covered by NIS2

Essential Entities:

These organizations play a critical role in maintaining vital societal functions and face stricter regulations. 

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Drinking and Wastewater

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Digital Infrastructure

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Public Administration

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Important Entities:

These organizations provide valuable services but face less stringent regulations compared to essential entities.

Postal and Parcel service

Waste Management

Chemical Products



Digital Providers

How 42Gears Can Help You Achieve NIS2 Compliance?

The increased use of mobile devices for remote work, along with access to sensitive data and communication, makes mobile security a top priority. Since NIS2 indirectly mandates organizations to prioritize critical infrastructure security, this extends to mobile devices as well. Let's explore how 42Gears aligns with NIS2 requirements and helps you achieve compliance.


NIS2 Minimum Measure 42Gears Capability Key Functionalities
Risk assessments and security policies for information systems. Comprehensive Asset Management & Policy Enforcement Gain a centralized view of devices, users, and applications. 

Enforce essential security policies like encryption and screen locks. 

This aids in identifying and mitigating potential risks associated with information systems.

Policies and procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of security measures. Robust Reporting & Visibility Leverage reporting features to gain real-time insights into device, software, and policy compliance. 

Identify and address security vulnerabilities, allowing you to assess the effectiveness of your overall security measures.

Policies and procedures for the use of cryptography and, when relevant, encryption. Enforced Security Policies Enforce encryption of data to safeguard sensitive information. This aligns with NIS2's requirements for encryption procedures.
A plan for handling security incidents. Incident Response & Remote Management Utilize remote wipe, lock, and locate functionalities to secure compromised devices and safeguard data. This forms a crucial part of your incident response plan.
Cybersecurity training and a practice for basic computer hygiene. 42Gears Academy Training courses and certifications to help partners and customers get the best out of secure device deployments; access to latest know-how and expertise for security best practices.
Security procedures for employees with access to sensitive or important data, including policies for data access. Affected organizations must also have an overview of all relevant assets and ensure that they are properly utilized and handled. Compliance Policies 42Gears enforces access controls. 

Data access policies and asset management remain an organizational responsibility. 

42Gears' comprehensive asset inventory can aid in maintaining an overview of relevant devices.

The use of multi-factor authentication, continuous authentication solutions, voice, video, and text encryption, and encrypted internal emergency communication, when appropriate. Enforce MFA during Enrolment Protect admin accounts from password thefts by enabling multi-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of security and aids in authorized login.

For Organizations Already Under NIS


The transition from NIS to NIS2 requires taking stock of your current cybersecurity practices.  NIS2 brings stricter regulations, so you'll need to enhance your incident response capabilities, implement stronger security measures, and ensure everything aligns with the new directive. Key areas to focus on include:

  • Incident Reporting: Familiarize yourself with the revised timelines and thresholds for reporting incidents under NIS2. This ensures faster and more comprehensive threat identification.
  • Security Measures: Strengthen your existing security measures with a focus on encryption, access controls, and regular security audits. This aligns with NIS2's emphasis on robust protection for essential digital services
  • Training and Awareness: Invest in ongoing staff training and awareness programs on cybersecurity best practices. This fosters a culture of security within your organization.

Minimum Measures needed to Implement NIS2


Requirements vary based on the business's size, societal role, and exposure. This ensures smaller businesses aren't overly burdened while larger ones meet appropriate standards. However, NIS2 mandates certain minimum measures for all relevant businesses. Below are general summaries of these measures, but they are not exhaustive.

NIS2 minimum measures:

  • Risk assessments and security policies for information systems.
  • A plan for handling security incidents.
  • A plan for managing business operations during and after a security incident. This means that backups must be up to date. There must also be a plan for ensuring access to IT systems and their operating functions during and after a security incident.
  • Security around supply chains and the relationship between the company and direct supplier.
  • Companies must choose security measures that fit the vulnerabilities of each direct supplier. And then companies must assess the overall security level for all suppliers.
  • Policies and procedures for evaluating the effectiveness of security measures.
  • Security around the procurement of systems and the development and operation of systems. This means having policies for handling and reporting vulnerabilities.
  • Cybersecurity training and a practice for basic computer hygiene.
  • Policies and procedures for the use of cryptography and, when relevant, encryption.
  • Security procedures for employees with access to sensitive or important data, including policies for data access. The company must also have an overview of all relevant assets and ensure that they are properly utilized and handled.
  • The use of multi-factor authentication, continuous authentication solutions, voice, video, and text encryption, and encrypted internal emergency communication, when appropriate.


Strengthen your organization's security posture with an MDM solution like SureMDM. Gain robust encryption, granular access controls, and regular security audits - all aligned with NIS2's requirements for essential digital services. Sign up for SureMDM today!

Disclaimer: While achieving NIS 2 Compliance requires implementing a comprehensive set of controls, Mobile Device Management (MDM) solutions can address many, but not all, of these controls. A layered security approach that combines MDM with other security solutions is typically necessary to meet all NIS2 requirements.


What are the requirements of the NIS2 directive?

NIS2 elevates cybersecurity standards for organizations across four key areas: corporate management, incident reporting, risk management, and business continuity. This comprehensive approach strengthens Europe's collective defense against current and emerging cyber threats.

What is the focus of NIS2?

NIS2 places significant emphasis on robust risk management. This impacts how businesses manage their IT assets throughout their lifecycle, ensuring the dependability of critical infrastructure and compliance with regulations. Knowing what devices are in use, their purpose, and who has access is crucial. Enhanced data collection through device management tools becomes vital for automated responses to lost or decommissioned devices.

What is the NIS2 implementation timeline?

The European Parliament passed the NIS2 directive on November 10, 2022. Member states now have until 2024 to transpose the directive into national law. Once implemented, organizations will have a grace period to comply with the new regulations.

Robust Mobile Device Management That Meets NIS2 Requirements.