Chainway Things IoT Connector
Chainway Things IoT Connector can host Chainway Barcode/RFID Scanner and Chainway Fingerprint Scanner.
Chainway P80- Barcode Scanner
Enroll Chainway P80 with IoT Connector to manage and control the following settings:
Chainway Barcode Scanner
Chainway P80- Barcode Scanner
Enroll Chainway P80 with IoT Connector to manage and control the following settings:
Success Sound
Enable/Disable Success Sound on successful scanning
Output Mode
Enable Output Mode to deliver output through four modes such as Broadcast, Clipboard, Cursor End, Keyboard Input.
Failure Sound
Enable Failure Sound on unsuccessful scanning
Keyboard Input and Cursor End
Enable Keyboard Input and Cursor End to deliver Output to a document
Enable Scanner
Enable Scanner to allow start/stop button for things IoT
Enable Clipboard to obtain output from the Clipboard by clicking Right click or Paste option
Scan Result
Enable Scan Result to display scanned code on successful scanning in Things Info
Enable Function
Enable Function to scan various codes such as Function 1D, Function 2D, ASCII and DECIMAL etc.
Enable Vibrate to generate vibration on successful scanning.
Enable Broadcast to generate Broadcast on successful scanning. Receive the broadcast with help of a third party app.