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SureMDM now with improved file transfer and install job uploads

Now experience faster and more reliable Install Job creation on SureMDM mobile device management. Several improvements and features have been added to make Install Jobs more user friendly. Following is a brief-up list of the changes: Progress bar indicator for displaying status of file upload while creating install jobs Support for large file transfer Increased…

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How to create a composite job in SureMDM?

Perform multiple tasks on your managed device(s) on click of a button. SureMDM now allows you to deploy a combination of different job types by a special job called Composite Job. The composite job type can include any type of job such as installation, send messages, update security policies. So if you have to apply…

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Export historical location data of mobile devices using SureMDM

SureMDM allows you to view the historical location of your Android and Windows Mobile devices on a map. You can now choose to export the location data for a specified time period in a .csv (Comma Separated Value) file. This .csv file contains name of the device(s) with its location coordinates(longitude, latitude) in chronological order. The exported…

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SureMDM now supports Windows CE 5.0 and 6.0 devices

Today we introduce management support in SureMDM for Windows CE based devices (both 5.0 and 6.0). There are thousands of devices that can benefit from this development. If you have a combination of Windows Mobile and Windows CE devices, you may well look at SureMDM for your device management needs. You can register for a…

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Understanding Windows Mobile Application Security Policies

Execution of programs on Windows Mobile devices depends on the application signatures and their permission levels. Devices can be configured to the following security settings. Security off Unsigned applications are allowed to run without any prompt and they can access privileged APIs, or protected areas of the registry and file system. One-tier prompt The device…

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C# code to soft reset a Windows Mobile device

Here is the C# code to soft reset a Windows Mobile device (using P/Invoke) [DllImport(“coredll.dll”, SetLastError = true)] static extern int SetSystemPowerState(string psState, int StateFlags, int Options); const int POWER_FORCE = 4096; const int POWER_STATE_RESET = 0x00800000; private void SoftReset() { SetSystemPowerState(null, POWER_STATE_RESET, POWER_FORCE); }

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Microsoft to continue support for Ruggedized Handheld market

Ruggedized handhelds are a class of mobile devices that are designed to run mission critical applications while withstanding the harsh environments. Several OEM like Motorola/Symbol, Intermec, Psion Teklogix, Honeywell have been building ruggedized handhelds for several years now. Most of these devices are based on Micrsoft Windows CE and Windows Mobile operating systems. Recent whitepaper…

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How to get information about softwares installed on Windows Mobile devices?

Best method is to ask the configuration service provider (CSP). Step 1: Add Reference to Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Configuration Step 2: Add the following statements at the top of the c# code file. using System.Xml; using Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Configuration; Step 3: Prepare a csp string (xml format) and pass it to ProcessConfiguration method of ConfigurationManager. Return value is the xml…

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How to disable “Unsigned Prompt Policy” on Windows Mobile?

Many Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) devices ship with one-tier security configuration enabled. That means if an unsigned application is started, then the user is prompted whether to allow the unsigned application to run or not. If the user based on his/her judgment allows the application to run, the application runs in privileged mode whereby it…

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How to get process id and thread id from a Window Handle in .NET CF?

Specify the namespace for doing P/Invoke stuff i.e. calling Win32 API functions from managed code. using System.Runtime.InteropServices; GetWindowThreadProcessId Win32 function retrieves the identifiers of the process and thread that created the specified window. Here is how we declare GetWindowThreadProcessId for use in managed code (c#). [DllImport(“coredll.dll”)] private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);…

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