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Run scripts remotely on mobile devices [New SureMDM Feature]

We have added a powerful scripting support in SureMDM. You can write scripts to Run, activate, hide, close, kill programs, delete files. Many people use scripts to define pre and post install instructions such as deleting files after installing CAB files. Examples: (There is no relation among the following commands) Copy( “My documentstest.txt”, “Storagetext.txt” )…

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SureMDM Remote Help-desk Solution

SureMDM On-demand has extensive support for providing help-desk support to end-user mobile devices. Features include: 1. View device screen when the device is away in the field. 2. Use keyboard and mouse to interact with the device 3. File explorer to add, remove, delete and launch files and applications 4. Process Viewer to view running…

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Windows Mobile 6.1 Kiosk Mode

If you want to convert a Windows Mobile 6.1 handheld into kiosk mode, you can try out SureLock Studio. You can download and evaluate the fully functional version for 30 days. With SureLock, you can easily lock down Windows Mobile devices into kiosk mode. This ensures the users can only use certain applications and features…

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Garbage Collection in Windows Mobile and Low memory conditions

Garbage collector is a piece of code responsible for allocating and freeing unreferenced objects in a managed application. Garbage collection operation is invoked whenever: the application calls GC.Collect() method CLR cannot allocate memory for an object the application loses focus and goes to the background the system sends WM_HIBERNATE message to the managed application If…

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Understanding Windows Mobile Application Security Policies

Execution of programs on Windows Mobile devices depends on the application signatures and their permission levels. Devices can be configured to the following security settings. Security off Unsigned applications are allowed to run without any prompt and they can access privileged APIs, or protected areas of the registry and file system. One-tier prompt The device…

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Getting rid of annoying prepaid balance notification on windows mobile phones

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) protocol is used by GSM network to send data to a phone over a real time connection. One of the most common usage is network provider sending back prepaid account balance notification after every call, SMS and data connection. On windows mobile phones, this notification comes up in a balloon…

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How to change file extensions in Windows Mobile?

Ever wondered how to change file extensions on your Windows Mobile phone? One thing is for sure: you cannot use the builtin file explorer program. It does not even show the file extensions let alone change them. Well. there are two solutions: ActiveSync: Connect the device to the PC over ActiveSync and browse to the…

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How to disable “Unsigned Prompt Policy” on Windows Mobile?

Many Windows Mobile (Pocket PC) devices ship with one-tier security configuration enabled. That means if an unsigned application is started, then the user is prompted whether to allow the unsigned application to run or not. If the user based on his/her judgment allows the application to run, the application runs in privileged mode whereby it…

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How to get process id and thread id from a Window Handle in .NET CF?

Specify the namespace for doing P/Invoke stuff i.e. calling Win32 API functions from managed code. using System.Runtime.InteropServices; GetWindowThreadProcessId Win32 function retrieves the identifiers of the process and thread that created the specified window. Here is how we declare GetWindowThreadProcessId for use in managed code (c#). [DllImport(“coredll.dll”)] private static extern uint GetWindowThreadProcessId(IntPtr hWnd, out uint lpdwProcessId);…

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Writing “Hello World” program for Windows Phone 7

Windows Phone 7 (WP7) is a cool new mobile platform from Microsoft. Developers can use Silverlight, XNA Framework and of course .NET compact framework for developing applications for WP7. What do you need To get started, download and install the following tools on your Windows 7 or Vista PC. Installation includes Visual Studio 2010,…

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