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How 42Gears helps businesses manage and secure PoS

Businesses have been using PoS for the last 200 years. Today PoS systems extend beyond the point of sale to sales and inventory management, sales reporting and customer management.  Businesses across retail, food and beverage, hospitality, etc. use PoS terminals to manage various transaction operations such as printing, card payments, billing, and cash collection. These…

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AI and UEM – What’s the connect?

Advancements in Artificial Intelligence(AI) technologies are driving users and organizations to include AI-enabled devices or Virtual Personal Assistants (VPAs) in their daily lives and work schedules. The popularity of Apple Siri, Google Now and Amazon Alexa shows how well they have been integrated with our systems and/or in our daily lives. From blocking someone’s calendar…

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Move over, CMT and EMM; UEM is here to stay

Considering the deftness with which IT admins manage the sea of devices and technologies enterprises use to conduct business, it’s fair to say they are no less than heroes. Business endpoints are lifelines for organizations today. Needless to say, they cannot afford to have them malfunctioning. Traditionally, organizations used client management tools to gain visibility…

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Why MFIs love 42Gears UEM

Traditionally, verticals dealing with lots of data and/or money are known to tread the technology landscape very carefully. They deal with assets that are, mostly, not their own and hence the resistance to anything they perceive as remotely insidious. Microfinance companies are no different. The fact that their business is centered around deposits collected, primarily,…

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Why Enterprises Need to Worry About FaceApp

Why the FaceApp rose to fame? FaceApp, an AI-powered self-editing app is generating a lot of hype on social media. This algorithm-based mobile application, originally developed in Russia for iOS and Android mobile devices, allows users to transform facial features, hairstyle, age of people in photographs and make them look younger or older.  Although FaceApp…

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SIEM – A shift in focus to threat monitoring

Traditionally, Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) was used by companies to ensure regulatory compliance. But now, SIEM is primarily used for threat monitoring. As per Gartner analysts, there has been a “strong shift in focus in the client base to threat monitoring in the past year,” with compliance now playing second fiddle. However, the…

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Is your web kiosk smart enough?

How smart is your web kiosk? Is it smart enough to give you a report at the end of the day detailing the most popular content on your kiosk on a particular day, one that was accessed again and again or highlighting the content that needs your attention? Does it automatically block users from accessing…

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Are you ready to manage all connected devices?

A recent survey by Gartner revealed that 12% of organizations have deployed an IoT project, and 24% are actively experimenting in IoT. These connected devices are being deployed for improving customer service and worker safety, and businesses need a solution for securing and managing these devices. 12% of organizations have deployed an IoT project, and…

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Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP)

Given the features Microsoft 365 brings to the table and the convenience it promises, it definitely makes for a great tool in the hands of IT and I&O pros. However, to maximize the ROI on Microsoft 365, there are two things organizations must do: make Microsoft 365 available on all devices being used by their…

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What businesses must consider before embracing BYOPC

  In 2013, a study reported that more than 50% of the Fortune 500 companies would soon allow their employees to use their personal computers for work-related tasks. Since then, we have definitely seen more on this front, especially because a mobile workforce prefers to work on mobile devices. But is it only about their…

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