Great news! 42Gears joins Microsoft BizSpark Program
42Gears has joined Microsoft BizSpark Program which is great for early-stage startups like us. Biggest advantage is the availability of development tools licenses and production licenses of server products along with support and visibility. Read more about the program here. Share On:
Read MoreSales increase in December
Exactly opposite to our expectations and projections, sales have gone up nicely in December. It actually is turning out as the “best” month ever. We expected decision makers (for purchases) to be out of office for long vacation at this time of the year, but the results tell a completely different story. Probably we have…
Read MoreLocking down WM 6.5 devices with SureLock
Latest WM 6.5 user interface is remarkably different than the earlier versions. Especially the location of Start menu button and the Start menu (Honeycomb look) itself. Latest version of SureLock Studio handles these differences nicely. SureLock now fully supports WM 6.5 devices. Check out the latest release. Share On:
Read MoreNo Application.StartupPath in .NET CF! There is a solution though…
Too bad there is no straight-forward way in net CF for an application to determine its folder path from where it was launched. But following code works just fine. string assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().CodeBase; string currentFolderPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(assembly); Enjoy… Share On:
Read MoreFeature Checklist of Mobile Device Management tools
Mobile Device Management (MDM) refers to the approaches or solutions used by companies to remotely manage their mobile devices (PDAs, Smartphones, Laptops, Netbooks). Variety of devices involved pose a big challenge for anyone who intends to implement a Mobile Device Management Solution. In fact, a single solution may never fully satisfy the all the requirements.…
Read MoreCan Microsoft get back its Mojo with Windows Mobile 7?
There have been speculations as to whether Microsoft will remain an important player in the mobile phone market with their Windows Mobile operating system. Numerous news articles and blog posts have “declared” the imminent death of Windows Mobile. This article lists a few reasons why these speculations might not eventually turn out to be true.…
Read MoreProgrammatically modifying SureLock Settings
One of the common requests we received from some of our customers was for a solution to make it possible for a third party application to programmatically change the SureLock Security password on the device. We have implemented a generic solution to update SureLock settings on the device without having to reinstall the SureLock CAB…
Read MoreCustomer list on the website
We thought it to be good idea to post a short list of customers who are using our products. Check it out here. More names will be added as we get permissions from other customers and ofcourse as we sell more. Share On:
Read MoreSimulating key presses in your program with keybd_event function
Out of need or curiosity you might want to know how to send key presses from your native application. The core of the solution involves calling keybd_event() function which has the following prototype. VOID keybd_event(BYTE bVk, BYTE bScan, DWORD dwFlags, DWORD dwExtraInfo); bVk is the virtual-key code of the character. bScan is the hardware scan…
Read MoreDetermining IP Address of a Windows Mobile device
Code to determine IP addresses of adapters on a Windows Mobile device, using IPHelper APIs. Add Iphlpapi.lib to linker settings. #include “Iphlpapi.h” PIP_ADAPTER_INFO pinfo = NULL; ULONG OutBufLen = 0; DWORD dwRet = GetAdaptersInfo(NULL, &OutBufLen); if (dwRet == ERROR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW) { pinfo = (PIP_ADAPTER_INFO)malloc(OutBufLen); dwRet = GetAdaptersInfo(pinfo,&OutBufLen); while (pinfo != NULL) { if (dwRet==ERROR_SUCCESS) { PIP_ADDR_STRING…
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