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5 Ways Construction Industry is Embracing Mobile Devices

Construction Industry is all about scale and speed. It is known to mirror the prosperity of a nation. Numerous sub-business groups like developers, manufacturers, suppliers, contractors and field workers come together for successful implementation of any construction project . The inter dependencies of these diverse groups demand efficiency in all aspects ranging from design to…

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4 Amazing Ways Museums are Enhancing Visitor Experience with Tablets

Mobile devices are everywhere and they are also becoming all powerful with their ever increasing processing capability. It has become indispensable and important than ever to include the digital dimension in any business or institution. Museums have joined in to benefit from the mobile revolution. Keeping visitors engaged and drawing younger crowds have always been…

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CloudTags Blends Digital and Physical Experience for Retail Customers with Help from SureFox and SureMDM

CloudTags is an Atlanta-based data start-up working with brick-and-mortar retailers to connect their digital and physical customer experiences. CloudTags’ technology allows in-store customers to create digital collections of everything they interact with by using location based devices that are provided by the retailer. CloudTags uses Near Field Communication (NFC) technology to allow shoppers to digitally…

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SureLock helps Ever Africa in its Fight Against Crime in South Africa

Ever Africa invests in ventures in the ICT space in Africa, with an emphasis on applications that have a positive social impact in the telecoms, media and security sectors. Their latest mobile app Namola, is a security application which aims at use of mobile technology to fight crimes in City of Tshwane. This free application…

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5 Ways Hospitality Industry is Embracing Tablets to Enhance Customer Experience

Hospitality Industry is always on the lookout for ways to enhance customer experience. This industry can truly exploit the potential of tablets and smart devices, thanks to the number of touch points it has with customers. Smart mobile devices in Hospitality Industry provide the opportunity to go green, increase efficiency and make guest experience memorable.…

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How to play videos from URL on Android kiosks using SureVideo?

Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android SureVideo gives you a platform to turn your Android devices including Android TV into a video playing kiosk in no time. SureVideo’s robust lockdown is accompanied by easy to configure playlist and arrays of complementing features. However, if you have multiple of these devices at multiple locations and their…

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Voting Experience Made Seamless by Election Administrators with 42Gears SureLock

  Election Administrators (EA) LLC is the leader in Mobile Election Technology. Based in St. Louis, Missouri, EA currently services over 180 counties within 14 states across the US. EA aims to provide simple, user-friendly, easy to train, cost-effective software that government employees can use and trust. EA are the pioneers when it comes to using technology…

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How to setup automatic scheduled reboot of Android devices with SureLock?

Applies to: Product SureLock Platform Android When your Android device is in lockdown mode with access to only allowed applications and no access to device settings, it is quite possible that after certain period of time with extensive usage, the device may show signs of not operating upto its potential level. Device could become slow,…

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Automatic approval of new enrolled devices in MDM Console using SureMDM

Applies to: Product                SureMDM Platform        Android/Windows If you are enrolling and approving multiple devices in your MDM, the process of manually approving each of those devices can be time consuming. SureMDMmakes it easy by allowing importing of a list with pre-approved devices details. Once this…

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