How to play Flash files in kiosk mode in Android?
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android SureVideo turns your Android device in video playing kiosk which plays only those media files which you want to play. These media files can be videos, images or flash files. SureVideo can play videos and image files out of box without requiring any additional software. However, to play flash…
Read MoreSilent upgrade of SureLock for Samsung using SureMDM Nix Agent for Samsung
Applies to: Product SureLock with Samsung Platform Android There are times when you want to upgrade SureLock on devices which are not physically present with you and you also don’t want any interruptions of activities on those devices during upgrades. Running silent or unattended upgrades will solve this problem. Now with SureMDM Nix Agent for…
Read MoreHow to hide or disable Top Notification Bar in Android?
Are you planning to give Android devices to your employees or use it as a kiosk in your store? For such deployments, using the Android device without proper lockdown might not be a good idea as this invites unnecessary activities on the device like gaming, unsupervised browsing, downloads etc. This results in wastage of productive hours…
Read MoreHow to lockdown your Android tablets to play only allowed videos?
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android There are times when you want to set up a product demo kiosk in a mall or an interactive kiosk for your visitors at a Trade Fair. It becomes very important to deliver your statement in an interesting and engaging way. And what can work better than a kiosk…
Read MoreExecute Script Commands on Samsung Devices using SureMDM Nix
Applies to: Product SureMDM/Samsung Nix Platform Android With SureMDM, you can create jobs (read more) and deploy it to your devices remotely. One of the jobs listed for Android devices is Run Script. With Run Script, you can create a Job to remotely execute script commands on the devices. List of Scripts Commands: 1.Enable KNOX:…
Read MoreCommand Line Interface and APIs for Surelock
Applies to: Product SureLock Platform Android Surelock uses a BroadcastReceiver to allow 3rd party applications to send specific commands to SureLock. Commands can be send using Intent (See examples below). To execute any command, Administrator password is necessary. SureLock API exit_surelock – This command exits the device from lock down mode. public synchronized void exitSurelock()…
Read MoreHow to Auto-Play and Loop Audio and Video files in Android?
Applies to: Product General Platform Android The Auto-play and Loop functions in Android is disabled to minimize the user bandwidth however this post may offer you some help if trying to find a quick fix for this problem. All you have to do is to follow following two easy steps. 1. Use following script for…
Read MoreConfigure Settings using Cloud Import and Export
Applies to: Product SureLock/SureFox/SureVideo Platform Android/iOS All 42Gears products provide the options to export and import settings for making the gruesome task of configuring multiple devices with identical settings quick and easy. We have gone one more step further now and made it much easier. Now, there is no need of transferring setting files…
Read MoreAndroid Shell Scripting with SureMDM
SureMDM supports execution of both Android Shell Script Commands and Custom SureMDM Scripts using Runscripts job. Android Shell Commands are series of scripts that executes on device within its shell and Custom SureMDM Scripts are special scripts that are specifically created and supported only within SureMDM. Jobs including these scripts can be remotely pushed to…
Read MoreKeyboard Shortcuts to Control Kiosk Video Devices
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android With SureVideo, you can turn your Android device into a video playing kiosk within minutes. And to further enhance its functionality, we have introduced a feature especially for those Android devices running SureVideo which support external keyboard. With this new feature – Custom Media Control Setting, you can…
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