Remote Screen Capture for Android devices with SureMDM
To remotely monitor and capture screen of an Android device using SureMDM, follow the steps below: 1. Download SureMDM Nix Agent 2. Select the device from Device List 3. Click Remote from Quick Action Toolbar The new remote tab will let you view real-time screen of the selected device and offers following options: Device Status Settings – Rotate Screen /…
Read MoreRemotely Update Video Playlist in SureVideo
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android If you have multiple video playing kiosks installed at different locations, it is difficult to manage and update their video playlists individually. SureVideo, when used with Dropbox and Dropsync, can help you remotely manage the video playlists of multiple kiosks. Here is how it works: SureVideo – Provides device lockdown…
Read MoreEnable Battery and Connection Alerts on Android Devices using SureMDM
Applies to: Product SureMDM Platform Android It is often desired that you want to know if the devices managed with SureMDM have not been online for a specific time period or if your field devices’ battery power have gone below the recommended threshold. With SureMDM, you can create a Notification Policy Job for your devices. Once this…
Read MoreHow to use NFC Tags with SureFox?
Applies to: Product SureFox Platform Android NFC or Near Field Communication is capability of two devices to send data to each other when they are brought into close proximity. Nowadays, it is generally used in form of NFC tags which can be read by mobile devices such as Android based tablets and smartphones. NFC…
Read MoreConfiguring video caching feature on SureVideo for Android
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android When your are playing videos in your kiosk directly from a URL, there are chances that you may face problems like: 1. No video playback when kiosk not connected to Internet 2. Patchy streaming and disrupted video playback 3. High Internet bandwidth consumption With SureVideo‘s new option to cache…
Read MoreWatch Introduction to SureLock for Android Video
SureVideo Android Javascript APIs
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android SureVideo for Android now comes with built-in set of Javascript APIs. Use these APIs in an HTML file and specify the file as Custom Layout Home Screen. The APIs are written as window.surevideo.<API_Name> Following is a comprehensive list of SureVideo APIs: launch(‘file_path’): Launches a media file. window.surevideo.launch(‘/mnt/sdcard/samplevideo.mp4’); loopMedia(): Loops the…
Read MoreView details of installed applications on multiple devices using SureMDM
Applies to: Product SureMDM Platform All With SureMDM’s App Version Report option, it is quick and easy to view details of installed applications in all the enrolled devices. To generate the report, follow the below-mentioned steps: 1. Login to SureMDM Web Console 2. Go to Reports > On Demand Reports and select App Version. 3. On…
Read MoreHow to remotely install files in Android devices using URLs in SureMDM?
Applies to: Product SureMDM Platform Android SureMDM efficiently handles remote installation of files on large number of devices. All you have to do is create an installation job with file details and deploy the job to multiple Android devices. Earlier, to create an Install Job, the file to be installed was required to be uploaded to SureMDM. However, now…
Read MoreAndroid Kiosk Video Player | SureVideo adds feature to customize home page using html
Applies to: Product SureVideo Platform Android SureVideo recently added album view to lock down your android device to a desktop like User Interface. Album view shows few allowed video thumbnails which users can select and view. This feature has now been extended. Instead of default thumbnail view, a custom designed html page can be displayed.…
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