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Find The Best Phone Service Provider For Your Business With The Power of Data Analytics

sep 01, 2020 | 42Gears Team


Many businesses accept poor cell service quality as a way of life, but yours shouldn’t. Because finding a better business cell phone service carrier is hard, workers tolerate dropped calls, poor signal quality, and sluggish app performance. However, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Every business should strive for better network connectivity for worker devices, in order to boost workforce productivity. For one, a provider’s quality can change over time. For another, there are likely many alternate carriers which can provide better coverage at lower cost.

The key to finding the best provider is data analytics, which reveals easy-to-miss trends. You can use the data your devices generate to find the carrier who will provide the best network connectivity for your devices.

Let’s start by defining what analytics is, and then moving on to what analytics does.

Data Analytics: The Right Way To Choose A Business Cell Phone Service

You may already have all the analytics tools you need right in your office. Some device management software programs can collect, process, and format analytics data automatically.

As an example, SureMDM by 42Gears includes the SureMDM Analytics Engine. SureMDM can record device location and network signal strength for every device in your network at the same time. You can then use the SureMDM Analytics Engine to find locations with poor cell service.

Let’s review what this looks like in action.

Approach #1: Going all in

Most businesses use a single business cell phone service provider. If you have used one provider for a long time, you might wonder: what kind of experiment can I do with one provider? The answer is quite a bit!

Once you install SureMDM on every employee’s mobile devices, you can continually compare location and signal quality as your mobile workforce goes through the day. From there, SureMDM can build a real-time signal strength map for any area relevant for your workplace. You can identify “dead zones” in device coverage, and see if signal strength improves or declines over time.

If you do find that service quality declines over time, you can ask your provider to improve. After all, you will have the best leverage possible – data proving your mobile workforce’s concerns are true.

Approach #2: More than one at once

You can take analytics further by splitting your mobile devices into groups that each use a different service provider. Once set up in this way, worker devices can create real-time maps for each carrier. Using these maps, you can both identify which service is best and pivot your entire team towards that service.

If you are able to identify one service that works especially well, that’s great news. If no service works well, there is a silver lining- at least you know there is no perfect alternative. In this case, you might raise workforce productivity by retooling your in-house apps to better accommodate for poor device signal strength.

How to find the best business cell phone service: Key takeaways

Every company will have a different answer for the best way to improve device signal strength. There is no universal recommendation for a good carrier, nor should there be. It’s entirely based on context, and this is the power of modern analytics.

Any good business decision begins with a proof-of-concept. If you would like to see the SureMDM Analytics Engine in action, you can try SureMDM risk-free for 30 days.

Get the data you need with SureMDM Analytics Engine today.


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