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Reduce Battery Consumption in Android Device while using SureLock

Juin 05, 2014 | 42Gears Team

Applies to:
Product SureLock
Platform Android

Control Battery Power Usage with SureLock

Sensible use of CPU by turning it ON or OFF whenever required can reduce the consumption of device battery power. SureLock‘s option to turn CPU usage ON or OFF can make sure that your Android device is not consuming battery power when the device is not in use.

Follow below mentioned steps to turn CPU OFF when device is in suspended mode.

1. Launch SureLock Password Prompt by tapping on the screen 5 times within 3 seconds


2. Enter the SureLock Settings password


3. On SureLock Admin Settings screen, tap on SureLock Settings


4. On SureLock Settings screen, tap on Timeout Settings


5. On Timeout Settings screen, tap and uncheck Keep CPU On option


6. Tap on Done to complete

Once done, when device is in suspended mode, the device will not keep the CPU running.

You can also use Power Saving Settings to reduce the consumption of device battery power by controlling device brightness.


To know more about SureLock for Androidclick here

To download a trial version of SureLock for Androidclick here

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