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Containerization: A Game Changer in Your BYOD Strategy!

Mar 07, 2017 | 42Gears Team

BYOD Containerization

Today, smart handhelds have become the most popular means of accessing applications and information in corporates. As a result, there are a plethora of opportunities for empowering the device users with BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) programs. According to a survey, it was found that numerous professionals display peak performance when they are free to access the information, when they need it and wherever they need it.

As per a report by Forrester, 70% of employees will start using their personal smartphone for work use by 2018. But with this emerging trend, the value of garnering productivity from employees must be balanced against potential threats like unsafe user practices, data leakage, and lost or stolen devices, etc.

But with these uprising trends and forecasts, a caravan of challenges is also approaching, especially, towards IT management around security and workforce acceptance and satisfaction.

As BYOD Trend Scales Up, So Do Challenges!

Employees Resilient to Draconian Control

In a full-fledged mobile device management approach, enterprises attain the entire control over the data on a device. And this culture was widespread across industries and embraced by multiple enterprises where employees use company-owned devices for work use. Such a strategy helped organizations to meet the needs of data security in an efficient way.

But with BYOD management, employees are quite resilient towards this sort of heavy-handed control over their smartphones. Therefore, industries required a solution to streamline their BYOD initiative without a draconian control and ignore employee’s activities and personal data on their personal smartphones.

Employee Satisfaction Gone for a Toss!

Employees tend to build a strong attachment to their smartphones. If enterprises do not allow their workforce to operate with the tools they want to, employees have to breach company protocols and bring their own tools to the workplace.

Such unprincipled management scenarios impose fatal threats to data security while developing waves of employee dissatisfaction.

Moreover, numerous surveys also reveal that employees are quite against the inconvenience of using a second, “non-personal” phone, more often of different genre of OS and type for work use. While companies also found the approach pretty decent to retain work-life balance on a single device without trespassing employee’s privacy.

However, the major challenge is not in enforcing BYOD program and reinstating job satisfaction, but mobilizing business operations without risks of data leakage in a new environment.

BYOD Containerization: An Antidote to the situation!

Containerization as a technology plays a key role as an antidote to this situation of the dilemma faced by enterprises in balancing the business requirements with the employee demand. With light-weight app features, the technology enables the creation of isolated “containers” on employee’s personal handheld and safeguards the corporate data on employee device from vulnerabilities.

Hence, the BYOD containerization is no less than a revolution in mobility strategy, where the EMM  Admin can segregate personal and company data on the same device. It helps the Admins to create policy-enabled, encrypted and distinct containers in personal devices to use browser apps and deliver email and data specific to the container.

Admin can reach only to the container, not beyond that. The container isolates the enterprise data from rest part on the device and in case, the device is stolen or lost, Admin will be capable of wiping off the container without affecting the personal assets.

So as to magnify the protection of communications with containers, Admin can enable a secure communication tunnel that authenticates and encrypts each and every connection. This puts an end to the need for any TCP/IP link or VPNs from the device to the company network. Basically, the secure channel is like a tunnel that shields the link from malware, attacks, probes and ensures that only secure containers connect to the company network.

It gives the corporates a personalized experience when it comes to working use through bypassing the personal assets, saving the integrity of the personal phone. Employees can use the same phone whenever on move for accessing work and hence, it adds zest to better user experience and convenience.

With the inception of such technology which secures corporate access from employee’s personal phone, containerization becomes inevitable in BYOD strategies for companies.

Containerization is Absolute Consolation to IT!

IT admins often see it as a challenge when it comes to balancing the data protection and employee’s freedom and flexibility of use of devices. The capacity of MDM and BYOD to coexist relieves IT admins from the pressure of managing every mobile device used for corporate access, they are freed to focus on their core job i.e. protecting enterprise resources, network and data assets.

What 42Gears Has To Say?

BYOD management is changing the face of enterprise mobility with each passing day. Kudos to the advance, workable and secure technologies like containerization that help to power up the BYOD programs and diminish the craving need to balance between security and employee satisfaction.

Mobile Device Management platform like SureMDM is extended with containerization features which ensure improved mobile collaboration and cost reduction, keeping the IT focused on containerized apps, rather on the entire device.


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